


Mental Health Mondays – Managing My Anxiety

Hi Guys this week I will be letting you know all the ways I manage my anxiety and hopefully it will help you with yours. 

The most important thing to know is there is no quick fix for your Anxiety as I described in my first post of the series anxiety is a normal human emotion which if you have an anxiety disorder is intensified to irrational thoughts.  Improving your anxiety will take time and energy but it will be worth it.

  • The first and most important thing to do is reach out to someone make sure its someone your comfortable talking to tell them how you feel. Its scary talking about your emotions it took me years to finally reach out to someone and tell them how I was feeling but once people know how you are struggling they can start to support you.
  • Then the next step would be talking to your doctor or a therapist if you want to get help privately. Whilst medical professionals get a bad reputation in regards to mental health they have actually had training on the issues you are facing and can help you plan a course of action. Be that counselling, medication or other forms of help.
  • I personally have done CBT, counselling and I am now on a medication to control my panic attacks.

In regards to self-help at home

  • I try regularly to practice mindfulness there are many books on this but the best online free resource is it teaches you to just be in the moment instead of running through crazy thoughts which I find super helpful especially if your thoughts keep you up at night but be patient with yourself though as like most meditations it takes practice.
  • And honestly my most favourite thing to do is self-care look after yourself and whatever that means to if your stuck for ideas or want to know more about the importance of self-care check out The Blurt Foundation who have created a whole movement out of taking care of yourself.

I hope this post helped you out and if there’s anything you would like me to post about just let me know in the comments below!

Step into Christmas

It’s the 2nd of December which means the countdown to Christmas has officially begun. advent Calendars have been opened and Christmas decorations are going up!

I know this time of year can be difficult I am definitely struggling to get into the Christmas spirit I so dearly love. It has always been my favourite time of year so when the depression hits hard it really hurts.

I always wait for the Christmas magic to kick in but unfortunately it doesn’t cure depression but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the Christmas season and I always try to make the most of it. 

So if your feeling down this holiday season comment below or over on one of my Instagram posts I would love to chat with you. Also remember that this is the time of year we spend with the people who love us most so they will want to help you so just reach out.

Also check out my mental health Monday posts next week I will be letting you guys know ways I manage my Anxiety. 

My “World Famous” Brownie Recipe

My “world Famous” Brownie Recipe

Let me know in the comments if you tried it out also if you are interested in me posting more recipes.

Sarah’s Christmas Survival Guide

As anyone with a mental health issue knows the most magical time of year can be quite a let down. Turns out Santa’s magic doesn’t quite fix everything. So here are some of my tips to make the holiday season just a little bit easier to deal with.

  1. Start your shopping ASAP Christmas shopping is stressful for anyone so don’t let it add to your bad mood I have already started mine so less stress shopping in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
  2. Make time to relax the holiday season is filled with events and parties, preparation and festive cheer. Take some time out for you light a candle, make a hot chocolate and put your feet up.
  3. Watch a Christmas movie the best part of Christmas is the feel good movies that put a smile on your face my personal favourite is Arthur Christmas.
  4. Craft nothing can lift your spirit quite like making something for a loved one so whether you bake or make a card get busy making something special for someone you love.
  5. Ignore Christmas if you have to sometimes its OK to take 5. The whole month of December can make you feel like you should be dancing on air with festive cheer so if it all gets too much just ignore it until you feel you can bear it again.

Do you have any Tips for surviving the holiday season? let me know in the comments below!

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