


Step into Christmas

It’s the 2nd of December which means the countdown to Christmas has officially begun. advent Calendars have been opened and Christmas decorations are going up!

I know this time of year can be difficult I am definitely struggling to get into the Christmas spirit I so dearly love. It has always been my favourite time of year so when the depression hits hard it really hurts.

I always wait for the Christmas magic to kick in but unfortunately it doesn’t cure depression but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the Christmas season and I always try to make the most of it. 

So if your feeling down this holiday season comment below or over on one of my Instagram posts I would love to chat with you. Also remember that this is the time of year we spend with the people who love us most so they will want to help you so just reach out.

Also check out my mental health Monday posts next week I will be letting you guys know ways I manage my Anxiety. 

Why you don’t see me anymore


I have friends one’s who don’t know about my issues they live locally to me so we meet up near my house we talk and have fun hang out when I’m up for it. I had friends who knew about my issues, they lived in London which whilst not far is far enough my anxiety won’t let me travel there.

They don’t see me anymore, some people don’t understand how limiting and soul destroying you not reaching out to them can be. You see Essex was too far for them to travel to so I had to go to them same journey, same amount of time. My anxiety makes me want to stay close to home to the comfort and safety of my bed where nothing can hurt me but my own thoughts. They didn’t even realise what they were asking me to do was in my head like asking me to jump out of a car driving at 80mph on a motorway and to just hope for the best.

I don’t blame them many people don’t understand as they haven’t been through it but it just highlights why we need to bring more awareness to mental health issues, we need people to understand so we can make it better together. Cancer patients aren’t the only ones curing cancer everyone stand together in an amazing way to help them fight and we suffers shouldn’t be the only ones trying to solve mental health issues. We need someone to hold our hands when we are in the dark

So to the friends who never came to see me I forgive you and I love you.

And to my current and future friends thank you for understanding and accepting me. x

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