

November 2016

November Favourites

This cute little postcard from my buddy box.


My new Prada perfume – I got a sample of this with a Feel Unique Order and I instantly fell in Love with it the smell it isn’t too intense but lasts all day.


My Ebony & Oak Yankee candle it just smells like Autumn to me and I find it really soothing when I’m stressed out.


These gorgeous grey lined boots i got from just fab are super comfy and great for walking in.


Finding Carter series 2 came on MTV I had been desperately waiting since the end of series 1 when Lori kidnapped Carter again and it hasn’t disappointed so far. I would totally recommend checking it out.


And of course my most favourite thing about November is that December starts tomorrow which means Christmas!

Mental Health Mondays – Anxiety and Depression

“Anxiety’s like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far.”
Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home

I believe this quote from Jodi Picoult perfectly defines how my anxiety led to depression.

The NHS definition of depression

Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days.

Most people go through periods of feeling down, but when you’re depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days.

My anxiety has made me feel so low #i have spent days on end in bed, tearfulness has become second nature to me and I have lost interest in so many things I used to care about.

Having anxiety and depression at the same time can be nasty I have had days where I have wanted to go out and do something amazing but my anxiety has held me back and then the feelings of hopelessness, to feeling stupid and pathetic and pointless can kick in for weeks after.

I am underneath my anxiety a massive extrovert so my anxiety holds me back from doing so many things I would love to do and that is hard and is what causes my depression.

So if you know anyone in your life who is suffering from anxiety or depression or both go gently on them they feel a lot worse than you could imagine.

Next Week I will be talking about the ways I manage my depression so check back in for that and let me know in the comments below if there’s any subjects you would like me to cover.

My “World Famous” Brownie Recipe

My “world Famous” Brownie Recipe

Let me know in the comments if you tried it out also if you are interested in me posting more recipes.

My Everyday Make up Routine

Hi Guys,

I thought I would post my everyday make routine as I am super nosy about these things myself check out the video below and a list of the products I used underneath. Please forgive the poor editing it was my first attempt at anything like this.

  • Benefits – Porefessional Primer
  • Bare minerals – prime time eyelid primer
  • Benefit – They’re Real big sexy eye kit
  • Autograph – Sand eye-shadow
  • Urban Decay – 24/7 glide on pencil in Venus and crave
  • Estee Lauder – Sumptuous Bold Volume lifting mascara
  • Colour couture – Pro Mascara
  • Maybelline New York – #anti-ageing the eye eraser in light
  • Rimmel London – Lasting Finish concealer in Ivory
  • Rimmel London – BB cream Medium
  • Maybelline New York – NY bricks bronzer in blondes
  • Maybelline New York – Matte maker mattifying powder in classic ivory
  • Laura Gellar – Pout perfection waterproof lip liner in nude
  • Rimmel London Kate – nude lipstick shade 45
  • Urban decay – de-slick makeup setting spray


Check back on Friday for my “world famous” brownie recipe!

Mental Health Mondays – Having an Anixety Disorder

Hi Guys,

I have decided to start a new series of blog posts called Mental Health Mondays this week I will be explaining what an Anxiety Disorder is as it is something I have suffered from for a long time and I believe educating people is a  way forward to break down the stigmas associated with mental health issues.

Merriam-Webster’s Definition of anxiety is fear or nervousness about what might happen.

Something everyone will feel at some moment of there lives.

The NHS describe Generalised Anxiety disorder as a long-term condition that causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than one specific event. 

People with GAD feel anxious most days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt relaxed. As soon as one anxious thought is resolved, another may appear about a different issue.

As you can imagine there is a huge difference between anxiety the emotion and an anxiety disorder.

I can suffer from panic attack which result in me feeling as though I am about to have a heart attack or anxiety attacks where I feel anxious for seemly no reason so all my sense are on hyper alert mode and I walk around almost in a daze unable to focus as I am noticing everything around me.

On the good days I will just be worried which can be easily distracted by happy things going on around me but everyday is difficult none the less. I feel mental health issues have been romanticised these days they have almost become mainstream and whilst I think it is amazing the attention mental health is getting and that people who are suffering are getting help I would not wish this on my greatest enemy.

Do you suffer from Anxiety? Let me know in the comments below also if there’s any other topics you would like me to cover.

Next Monday I will be writing about how my Anxiety can cause depression so check back in for that.

Have a Lovely Week!`


Sarah’s Christmas Survival Guide

As anyone with a mental health issue knows the most magical time of year can be quite a let down. Turns out Santa’s magic doesn’t quite fix everything. So here are some of my tips to make the holiday season just a little bit easier to deal with.

  1. Start your shopping ASAP Christmas shopping is stressful for anyone so don’t let it add to your bad mood I have already started mine so less stress shopping in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
  2. Make time to relax the holiday season is filled with events and parties, preparation and festive cheer. Take some time out for you light a candle, make a hot chocolate and put your feet up.
  3. Watch a Christmas movie the best part of Christmas is the feel good movies that put a smile on your face my personal favourite is Arthur Christmas.
  4. Craft nothing can lift your spirit quite like making something for a loved one so whether you bake or make a card get busy making something special for someone you love.
  5. Ignore Christmas if you have to sometimes its OK to take 5. The whole month of December can make you feel like you should be dancing on air with festive cheer so if it all gets too much just ignore it until you feel you can bear it again.

Do you have any Tips for surviving the holiday season? let me know in the comments below!

My Top Self Care Ideas

So we all have those days where we just feel awful. We don’t want to do anything or see anyone and sometimes we really just hate ourselves. So I thought I’d share with you some of the things I do on these days to perk myself up.

  1. Makeup and hair – sounds so simple but when I’m having a bad day the simple act of putting my face on even if I don’t have to leave the house makes me feel less sluggish and gives me a bit of self confidence. It also means you can take some awesome selfies for Instagram!
  2. Build a blanket fort I got this idea from Octobers buddy box and whilst so simple is genius so get some duvets and cushions make a fort and hide in it.
  3. Binge  watch TV in bed all day – sometimes it is OK to give in to these feelings just don’t make a habit of it.
  4. Have a bath
  5. Talk to a friend or family member
  6. Light a candle and just chill – we all have those moments sometime even days when that awful feeling makes us not want to do anything so just light a candle or put on some music and just lie there.
  7. Make a to do list for when you are feeling better – when I am having a bad day my mind fills up with all the things I should have been doing so writing them all down so I don’T forget helps to clear my head and just focus on me for  a while.
  8. Practice mindfulnessFrantic World have the best free meditations in my opinion and even have a chocolate one if your in a more fun loving mood.

Do you have any top self care ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

November’s Buddy Box – Review

Buddy Boxes are the King of self care every month when the postman rings my doorbell I am completely excited and as usual they keep getting better each month.

This months theme was Woodland Walks and oh my days I am so happy.


First off the thing that made me squeal with glee a Yankee Candle! Which as they all do smells amazing!

Autumn Nights 🙂

My new favourite staple of Buddy Boxes the Zine

I cannot wait to go on a mindful Walk.

Hot chocolate what more can I say…


And the three woodland walk themed treats:#

Deer Hand warmer so cute
Bear Hugs Keyring












Hedgehog cut out and sew

And last but not least there inspirational quote which I love this month!


If you have never had the treat of a Buddy box or want to learn more click here

And check out my Instagram to see me using these cute treats here.

What was your favourite item out of Novembers buddy box?


Decluttering and eating clean



So this last couple of weeks have been quite good for me, my medication has finally started to kick in and I have managed to declutter my whole bedroom which is making me really happy. Having a lot of clutter around can make you more stressful and getting rid of it has really helped if only in a small way to calm my nerves so I would really recommend it.

I have also got into a bit healthier more cleaner eating. I’ve been having smoothies for breakfast and eating more whole grain food and a lot less junk food during the day. This has really helped with my energy levels and I have felt a lot less bloated lately which is amazing!!

My clearer head has also got me thinking about some post ideas and I was thinking of doing some about how I cope on the bad days, self-care ideas, a simple makeup routine for when you have to leave the house even though you don’t want to and also what I eat in a day.

If you have anymore suggestions or any topics you would like to discuss let me know in the comments!

Also follow me on Instagram my username is s_durrant to see me or more likely the food I’m currently eating on a day-to-day basis.

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